Liszt - Harmonies Poétiques et Religieuses
Franz Liszt (1811 - 1886) was a Hungarian composer, who is traveling with a child prodigy and his career began as a piano virtuoso. After his father died in 1827 in Paris, she joined and touring with his mother lived. He gave piano and music lessons to be met. But this time try to voraciously read the formal education up for his lack of use. In a concert in 1832 after he heard that Paganini Paganini of the piano is that eventually he will be asked to increase his efforts to improve its technology.
From 1835 1844 he was touring Europe and the storm it. A Liszt recital (he is one of the first pianists to perform solo recitals) was the main attraction of that era. Liszt was like a rock Star today, for example, women may be fearful of his recitals, and the general audience to be hypnotized by his appearance and his instruments. He has been concertizing to a fortune, so much so that his middle forties, his acting fees was the most charitable. He played three or four concerts a week, but time as well as composing, he did not resume for a young man was found.
Harmonies Poétiques et Religieuses (poetic and religious harmonies) The first version was written in 1834 and 1852 with subsequent additions in another version of the rewriting. The second edition of ten pieces, which are discussed below:
3) Bénédiction de Dieu Dans Solitude (The Blessing Of God In Solitude)
4) Pensée Des Morts (In Memory Of The Dead)
6) Hymne de l'enfant à son réveil ( The Awakening Child's Hymn )
7) Funérailles (Funeral)
Harmonies Poétiques et Religieuses (poetic and religious harmonies) The first version was written in 1834 and 1852 with subsequent additions in another version of the rewriting. The second edition of ten pieces, which are discussed below:
- Invocation
- Ave Maria - This is a piano transcription of a piece for chorus in 1846
- Bénédiction de Dieu dans la solitude (The Blessing Of God In Solitude)
- Pensée des morts (In Memory Of The Dead) This is a reworking of the earlier version.
- Pater Noster - This is a piano transcription of a piece for chorus in 1846
- Hyme de l'enfant à son réveil (The Awakening Child's Hymn)
- Funérailles October 1849 (Funeral) In memory of the Hungarians that Liszt knew that were executed after the failed Hungarian revolution of 1848-1849.
- Miserere, d'aprés Palestrina (In the style of Palestrina)
- Andante lagrimoso
- Cantique d'amour (Hymn Of Love)
1) Invocation
2) Ave Maria
3) Bénédiction de Dieu Dans Solitude (The Blessing Of God In Solitude)
4) Pensée Des Morts (In Memory Of The Dead)
5) Pater Noster
6) Hymne de l'enfant à son réveil ( The Awakening Child's Hymn )
7) Funérailles (Funeral)
8) Miserere, d'après Palestrina
9) Andante lagrimoso
10)Cantique d'amour (Song Of Love)