Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bruckner - Symphony #2 in C minor #96

Bruckner - Symphony #2 in C minor
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) wrote eleven more total, although the two go uncounted. All within a certain amount of uniformity, which is something that makes him a repetitious. Bruckner and style, but in this match. Careful listening and familiar with, and also the differences in each industry in his own right Bruckner television show sufficient work.
Symphony # 2, 1872 In the end, but many of Bruckner's book went through several revisions were. Bruckner and the other marked differences between revisions, sometimes quite substantial, with the entire movement is also rewritten. 2nd symphony, there is a lot of revisions, most of them are minor and technical in nature. The main difference between the original and subsequent versions of the 2nd and 3rd of agreement here between the listening position. That is, 3rd movement scherzo and adagio 2nd movement now. For this reason, a lot of matches, sometimes called a full symphony orchestra, the overall form and the expressive nature of the work related to that, if added to the Pauses.

The Symphony is in 4 movements:

  1. Moderato (moderately, not too fast)
  2. Feierlich, etwas bewegt (solemnly, but a little fast)
  3. Scherzo: Mäßig schnell - Trio: Gleiches Tempo  (somewhat fast - same tempo for trio)
  4. Finale: Ziemlich schnell (quite fast)
Bruckner's Symphony #2 in C Minor: