Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Arensky - Fantasia On Russian Folk Songs For Piano And Orchestra 38

Arensky - Fantasia On Russian Folk Songs For Piano And Orchestra
Anton Arensky (1861 - 1906) was a Russian composer, pianist and teacher. Arensky, a child of nine years of age musically precocious and many songs and piano pieces composed for. He studied, and the St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov's student magazine. After graduation he became a student of Moscow conservatory, where he was a professor of Sergei Rachmaninoff.

Arensky his chamber music in particular, in D minor Piano Trio is known for, but many other forms of music he composed. Russian Fantasia for piano and AllbdTV.Com a man of his songs, folk songs collected from both the Russian people, depending on the song. Arensky was an alcoholic and a gambling problem, from an early age he was. He died in 1906 in Finland, including tuberculosis.

Arensky's Fantasia Russian Folk songs for a jazz band and AllbdTV.Com