Thursday, December 15, 2011

J. C. Bach - Keyboard Sonata Opus 5 No. 66

J. C. Bach - Keyboard Sonata Opus 5 No. 2
Johann Christian Bach (1735 - 1782)
The last child born to Johann Sebastian Bach. He studied with his father in his father's death in 1750. He studied with his older brother CPE Bach, who was Europe's most influential composers of the time considered.

Italy, spent some time studying and JC Bach organ playing. He went to England for the premiere of his operas, and three of his fame, he secured a better life in London and the rest spent Musicmaster became queen. This is known as Bach because he is English, or London. His operas, orchestral works, and composed the keyboard work. When Mozart is still a child, he met JC Bach and Mozart's concerto style influence.

He wrote sonatas for keyboard, and the D major sonata opus number is 5, 2. It is the galant style, melody and harmony, with less ornamentation and music in a format consistent with the text. Bach was not yet taken over from the days of the piano accordion is the instrument of his sonatas, and you can even play games on the clavichord. Sonata in three movements.

J.C. Bach's Keyboard Sonata in D major Opus 5, No. 2: